Congratulations to our 2019 Prize Winners
Wigtown Prize | Judge: John Burnside
Wigtown Scottish Gaelic | Judge: Kevin MacNeil
Wigtown Scots | Judge: Gerda Stevenson
Alastair Reid Pamphlet Prize | Judge: John Burnside
Dumfries & Galloway Fresh Voice Award | Wigtown Festival Company Board of Trustees Panel
Wigtown Prize | Winner: Mhairi Owens, Shiftin
Wigtown Prize | Runner-up: Claudia Daventry, Twilight
Wigtown Scottish Gaelic | Winner: Daibhidh Eyre, Claidheamh mo sheanair
Wigtown Scottish Gaelic | Runner-up: Marcas Mac an Tuairneir, #AgusMise
Wigtown Scots Prize | Winner: Dorothy Lawrenson, The Lowes
Wigtown Scots Prize | Runner-up: Robert Duncan, Fower Attacks
Alastair Reid Pamphlet Prize | Winner: Beverley Bie Brahic, Catch and Release
Dumfries & Galloway Fresh Voice Award | Winner: Clare Phillips
Wigtown Prize | Winner: Mhairi Owens, Shiftin
Ah seen the Cailleach
wakent bi
the lilac shades
o autumn cairies
flittin ower
her face.
She rose wi a stang
tae peesies soonin
roon the derklins
pued the sky
doon, lik a pelt
aboot her shooders
an let scaum
tae silhouette
ivery rig.
She restit
oan her staff
till she heard
fae the nor’east gales,
then lit oot
a hoast that lownt
tae a beast’s souch
and hirsilt yont,
a hert’s spit
in the winter nicht
Cailleach | creator shape-shifting hag; cairies | moving clouds; stang | ache; peesies | lapwings; derklins | twilight; scaum | char; rig | ridge; hoast | cough; lownt | died away; souch | pant; hirsilt yont | moved away; hert | stag; spit | likeness.
Wigtown Prize | Runner-up: Claudia Daventry, Twilight
after Philip Larkin
I drink all day, and get to work at night.
In waiting, early evening sunlight slants
across the fields and sets the panes alight
while complicating nets of midges dance
a reel of glinting mica-flecks,
a frantic airborne rush of death and sex,
its dancers heedless of their looming fate.
Their loose abandon fills me with a dread:
no sting in being dead
when all your purpose is to procreate.
The drink I drink all day’s not drink, but dreck
- the seeds popped from a cherry: burn and sluice
with scalding water till the water’s black.
A single shot of canephora juice
grabs your cortex right behind the eyes,
to overdose is said to be unwise
but, in the end, it helps me stay awake
which doesn’t seem a monumental ask
- no other way to multitask.
I have no clue how many shots I take
or what it’s doing to my viscera.
I don’t reject the dark sarcophagus
but focus on the mind. How Cicero,
in kindly baring his oesophagus
to ease his captors’ hacking tracheotomy
allowed the ultimate dichotomy:
the father of all freedoms now turned mute,
the flock of birds inside his skull set free,
the head and hands nailed up by Antony
too late to unwrite what the thinker wrote.
A house is all we strive for, in our head
- the ultimate game-changer is a roof.
No sooner do we have one than we dread
being stuck: the broken-marriage stats are proof.
No matter how much love it took to build
the thing, or pleasure in the task fulfilled,
far greater is the impulse to destroy
- as Pascal has it, I will never be
contented in the room I built for me,
where curtains, furniture, then people, cloy.
The light is fading. Though the stuccoed wall
of this old farmhouse glows a roughcast pink
as shadows stretch across the hall,
beyond, a tap drips on a wineglass in the sink
its drip and drip percussive with the clock
– an orchestra too subtle, still, to mock
this Dutch interior, its borrowed slate,
its out-of-whack perspective. Like a psalm,
a quiet crackle in the calm:
his stack of letters burning in the grate.
Wigtown Scottish Gaelic | Winner: Daibhidh Eyre, Claidheamh mo sheanair
Seòmar-leughaidh. Cèisean-leabhraichean
àrd is fad às agus uile làn bheachdan
nach bi ag aontachadh rium idir.
Fàileadh nam pìoban
a tha air sgeilp ghil an t-simileir
agus an claidheamh Iapanach rin taobh -
crochte air a' bhalla
ann an truaill ghlas-uaine -
cuimhne dhen chogadh ann am Burma.
Chan eil còir agam fhosgladh ach
tha a’ mheatailt fuar na mo làmhan,
is lùib ann cho tarraingeach, ealanta -
lann na claidheamh a bha uair cho dìomhair
tha mi ga fhaicinn ceart a-niste,
rùisgte agus dealrach ann an leth sholas an fhoghair.
Tha dòrdan de mheirg faisg air a' cheann
ach tha am faobhar fhathast cunnartach, geur.
Tana, dìreach, stòlta, cruaidh,
tha an claidheamh a' faireachdainn
cèin na mo dhà dhòrn.
Sgorte air tha faclan cèin ann an cànan cèin
nach b' urrainn dhomh leughadh.
Ach tha sin mar bu chòir, 's dòcha,
is leth shaoghal ann eadarainn.
Chan eil còir agam a bhith an seo.
Tha an deasg gam shearmonachadh.
Cuiridh mi an claidheamh air falbh.
Dùinidh mi an doras agus
cha bheir mi sùil air a-rithist.
Chan eil e ceart a bhith ga sgrùdadh
na lomnochd, na fhosgailteachd, na nàire.
Wigtown Scottish Gaelic | Runner-up: Marcas Mac an Tuairneir, #AgusMise
An-diugh, sgrìobhaidh sinn
dà fhacal, nach comharraich
còrdadh ach co-fhaireachdainn;
Dlùth-phàirteachas an gach
ceàrnaigh na doimhne.
San dòigh seo, ’s tu mi,
’s mi thusa, còmhla nar
n-eòlas cruaidh co-roinnte.
Am boireannach na
suidhe aig deasg, no
air sòfa is fòn na làimh;
Thèid inntinn air ais,
gu bòthar dorchadais,
talla-dannsa làn dhaoine
nach do leag an làmh a
bhean rithe.
Sàmhchair an ceàrn
ciùin na eanchainn.
San dòigh seo, ’s mi thu,
’s tu mise, cuimhneach
air an oidhche sin;
Ùr-thillte bho obair, bha e
feitheamh rium sa chidsin
- a’ mhisg air -
mar a thug an deoch cead
dha a mhiann a choileanadh.
A cheann gun bhliam,
is dòcha gun sguabadh
an tachartas bho inntinn,
’s e pràmhach, dìon na shuain.
Ach nuair a dh’èirich mi
sa mhadainn gus a
chorragan fhaireachdainn
am broinn mo bhriogais,
Bha fhios gun d’ fhàg e
làrach air mo chraiceann,
air nach faigh mi cuidhteas
gu bràth; a shiubhlas
tron t-saoghal leam,
gu fàth-fiata.
Thu mi,
Mi thu
agus mise.
Wigtown Scots Prize | Winner: Dorothy Lawrenson, The Lowes
Daunderin on the shore
thae simmer forenichts
heid doon lik a whaup
wi's neb i the grummel,
Aa'd rake the glessy sand
fur buckies or clinkers,
ony toy Aa cud fordel.
Syne Aa'd strauchten, rax
ma hippit hurdies,
an stell masel fur the lowe
i the westren lift, that still
Aa canna thole.
Thae gleeds o reid an gowd
wad wrack the thrawnest hert;
they steik me yet
an reive ma saul
athoot Aa jink ma een
the ither airt
oot owre the brae,
tae thon hooses
whaur ilka lozen lunts
wi a glent o reid-gowd
lik a bairnie's nicht-licht
that lowes stieve an siccar,
an bides the hale nicht lang.
Wigtown Scots Prize | Runner-up: Robert Duncan, Fower Attacks
The first attack ye didnae ken was yin:
runnin tae catch a bus in Burntisland
efter a winter’s shift, dovered ower,
waukent wi mune-gash faces whirlin about ye,
white hauns flaffin in front o your een like doos,
and vices: “Are ye aa richt?” “Can we help ye?”
But you - auld sodger, plater’s helper -
“Naw, I’ll be fine,” - straicht on tae the nixt bus,
hapt in your thochts.
The second, three year later, Setterday nicht,
hame fae the pub – I thocht it wes the drink,
reddin the bed-settee fast as I cuid,
breengin intae the scullery for a bowl,
feelin the wecht hit it as ye tuimed your wame,
and aa the while a wild luik in your een,
blinkin aroun the room, seemin thankfu
my mither and brither werenae there tae see ye.
The third – the very nixt nicht, stocherin in,
stane-cauld sober efter a twal-oor shift
ye shouldnae hae dune – wid never dae again –
wi that same luik, this time for us aa tae see;
and nae dout this time what your wild luik meant.
The last ane, six month later, midsimmer:
my brither struck dumfounert in the playgrund
by a wee lassie, “Billy, dae ye ken your dad’s deid?”
And me, a sakeless callant on the thrashel,
met by my mither’s reid, begrutten een.
Syne up the stair tae see ye, laid out,
a five-stane rickle o banes, your white pow
aa skull and skin, your wild een shut in peace,
and mine gowkin and govin, takin it in,
niver tae mistak yon luik again.
Alastair Reid Pamphlet Prize | Winner: Beverley Bie Brahic, Catch and Release
Judge's Poem Choice | On Vancouver Island
Not forgotten, the place grandfather built
Facing the mainland across Georgia Strait;
Like a long-house it was close to the ground
With a bucket of fuchsia bells to ward
Off the primeval: unlogged, undivided;
Masses of the plants grandmother favoured,
Old World species, gladiolus, sweet peas.
Granddad’s fishing tackle hung in a crawl space
And when I visited he took me out
For a day of silence in a hired boat.
A PDF version of Beverley's beautiful pamphlet can be found here and a copy can be purchased from our shop here.
Dumfries & Galloway Fresh Voice Award | Winner: Clare Phillips
Judging Panel's Poem Choice | AMBITION for a Left Life
(For Carol Ann Duffy as she completes her term as Poet Laureate)
I read you on the edge
of writing. Always. On the tip of it
tripping over a perfect line to get one down
that’s mine.
It’ll be a breech birth this baby.
Stop! I. Will. Let. You. Hold. On
To. Me. For. Longer. Chuck me up in the air, my ambition
to gossip up there with the goddess nowt
but a piece of toast if I don’t. Toast. I’ll be
toast if I don’t.
Eye me. Aye. Me. Here
for a big slice
of the pie before we go. To not bottle it.
Am I too late? Too-close-coming? I will scratch you, you
alley cat genius, you vennel ventriloquist
break your skin
to see if you bleed poetry.
Understand, and I think you do
this is my ‘last chance saloon’. If
I stand you a whisky, will you slip
me something under the bar? Look
the other way as I steal the DNA
from your glass?